The human skin is amazing organ, it is known that there is amazing human response to being touched. When we are touched it stimulates us, creates sense of well-being . Even having a dog or cat to hug, and pet, is a form of touch too. The animal will snuggle up towards one. Even better is a life partner, that special person, your mate. The benefits of having a cuddle, can be powerful.
I firmly believe that the toxic stress of life, and its high blood pressure impacts can be washed away by the power of human touch, cuddling, and human bonding. Nothing like a good back rub to wash away the stress of toxic day at work.
Science unfortunately hasn’t caught up completely with how all this works, and how well it works. But it seems to work for me. One of the big stressors many jobs create is that they separate us from our partners. Military persons, truck drivers, even shift work can break that natural rhythm of touch. Touch is the foundation of health.
So does it work to lower blood pressure. It seems to help for me…. not exactly scientific, but worth a try.
my doc say i have to 10 mgs on my bp med is there a way to bring it down with out meds i am 61 male 200lbs i work out spliting wood with an axe about 3hrs every day i stop using salt.. any help full infor would be great
There are lots of alternatives to meds. I’m 47 and using the Resperate device in addition to my meds as well as DASH diet and it has reduced my med dosage. Aerobic exercise is a also a big help. 30 minutes of walking per day will help significantly. Stress really raises my BP and that is where Resperate really helps. i’m hoping one day to be free of the meds with the unpleasant side effect. Oh, BTW, try a cocoa and dark chocolate too, and lots of other potassium/calcium/magnesium rich foods in the DASH diet. I’d recommend the DASH diet Action Plan. This book can be purchased in your local bookstore or on