Should you stop taking ARB’s based on recent study link to cancer?

Q: I have hypertension for the last 25 years. I am on micardis medication.  Recently I came to know that micardis causes cancer. Is it true? If it is true then should I stop taking micardis?

A: Recent data suggests that taking a type of blood pressure lowering drug known as an angiotension receptor blocker (ARB) can increase your risk of cancer.  Most of the people involved in the clinical studies that looked at cancer were taking the drug telmisartan, also known as Micardis.  The risk is felt to be small so you should discuss the need to change medication further with your doctor. Keep in mind more people die every year from heart disease than cancer. The cancer data looked at information from five clinical trials involving 61,950 patients. Participants took an ARB  between 30 and 56 months depending upon the trial.  Click here for more details.

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