Q: Could BP Med cause: Sudden Instant Hearing Loss; Severe/Extreme fatigue, i.e. almost fainting (with lost of urine control) Numb left pinky/ring finger; chronic/acute back pain?
A: Drugs can have serious side effects. Information about drugs includes a known set of common side effects. However, other side effects are possible. It is unlikely that all of your symptoms are related to one drug. You should talk to your doctor about your symptoms.
Further Reading:
Side Effects of Blood Pressure Medications – Hub Pages.com
High Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects – highbloodpressurebegone.com
Generally, who would disagree with checking with your doctor about your symptoms? I was a little surprised, however, that there was no mention of the potential for a neurological problem because of your loss of bladder control and tingling in your extremity. On the other hand, let’s face it. Hypertension medications are generally toxic to your system, and treating HBP naturally, if possible, is a far superior approach. For example, muscle pain can be related to the statins, which most physicians hand out like candy these days to address high cholesterol, yet it is one of the more harmful drugs commonly in use today. It may be that a combination of toxic medications is at the root of your problems, or it may be that you have nerve deficits causing your symptoms, and there may be other completely unrelated causes. This is one time when seeing a physician about your symptoms is very much in order. Good luck, and all the best to you!!
I agree. See your doctor immediately.