Q: Are sugar free chocolates or cookies safe for diabetics?
A: All food is safe for diabetics. Moderation is the key. This is true not only for diabetics but everyone. However, diabetics need to be more aware of what they are eating so they can determine their insulin need. To learn more about eating right with diabetes go to this article on the Mayo Clinic’s site.
Further Reading:
What I need to know about Eating and Diabetes – Diabetes.niddk.nih.gov
5 Tips for Eating Healthy with Diabetes – HealthNews.com
Oh brother……..ALL the food we eat today is not safe for anyone, let alone diabetics! Nitrates and nitrates, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, the list goes on and on! A doctor a little better versed in wellness would be helpful…..
I have to agree with D. Carestia — is Dr. Rowena a real doctor . . . or even a real person? I could give more informed responses than she does. Not only are they not helpful, but I think some are so flawed as to be downright dangerous
The question asked about food safety, not nutritional value. Many foods are considered safe but this does not mean they are healthy choices. For wonderful reading on this topic I recommend Michael Pollan’s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” or “In Denfense of Food”.
my blood pressure is about 140/90 since 7 years and my drug is adalat 30. but my blood pressure is not constant.sometimes become 160/95 .
please tell what i do.
my age 50.
Food is a drug! I have found that i can manage my labile bp and cholesterol levels (tends to be high) with diet and exercise. By eliminating coffee, alcohol, most sugar, lowering salt and getting rid of refined grains and moderating intake of heavy carbs like potatoes etc. I have found my natural weight. I have discovered my body likes fat, the right kinds of fats, yes including a moderate amount of saturated fat, which turns out to be heart protective. When on this diet my bp remains stable and low and my total cholesterol was 175. HDL in the mid 60s!(total used to be 240s.) I avoid all processed/junk food and eat a lot of fish-no red meat but that’s just my personal preference, ie grass fed beef is fine. Most (not all!) people with moderately high bp/cholesterol can get their numbers under control with diet and exercise. The key is consistency.But no, all foods are not OK for diabetics…or anyone! At least the good Dr clarified her post.
I think there should have been a direct answer to her question first then refer her to that article. My brother ate a whole sugar-less pie because he thought it was okay due to lack of sugar. The talk should be about carbs counting rather than about sugar. Yes, there are better carbs to eat and overall moderation in whatever you eat is the key. I was a cookie monster before I found out I was diabetic. To satisfy my cookie cravings I eat about 9 – 12 little Teddy Graham cookies.
Generally I don’t read post on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very compelled me to try and do so! Your writing style has been surprised me. Thank you, very great post.
Is there a way to know if you are diabetic (other than seeing a Dr?) What are the tell tell sighs?