Q: Can B12 and Omega 3 &6 (Fish Oil) Help to lower Blood Pressure?
A: Fish oil has been shown to lower blood pressure. Vitamin B12 may help lower the risk of heart disease. However, you should discuss with your doctor the need for supplementation. Adequate amounts of omega oils and vitamins can be obtained through a healthy diet. To see what the American Heart Association has to say go here and here.
Further Reading:
Hypertension-Will Fish Oil Remove Hypertension Problems – ArticlesBase.com
Vitamin B12 Benefits, Uses, Effects, Dosage, and More – WebMD
This doctor is among the worst when it comes to diet and supplementation. You cannot get enough omega 3 fats with a normal diet, and even worse with a SAD diet. Purified fish oil is very helpful to hypertension as well as inflammation. Many other supplements can also help with your hypertension, however this doctor, and most AMA doctors, don’t have a clue!
I agree with Carista 100%. Today’s Drs are lax in the nutritional field, and instead prescripe many dangerous drugs. /they are relucent to discuss any “natural” method to cure, instead of masking sympthoms with the latest wonder drug.
I agree! Most doctors are drug pushers pure and simple.
The doctors are controlled by the pharmaceutical companies! You have to do your own research and try different things.You know your body better than anyone else. Also, I urge anyone with HBP to get a machine to check it at home.
No kidding to SAD diet and garbage medicine. I have been a registered nurse working full time with western doctors for more than 20 years. I see what their “medicines” do to those with chronic problems like HTN and high blood fats. They need to be educated on natural ways to CURE rather than bandaid an arterial bleed. Well, the big pharmas and food companies are not about to encourage that and the docs dont want to learn anyway. They think they know it all already. It’s really sad; I teach my patients the natural way any chance I get, even if it means getting chewed out (I really dont care and will go toe to toe with any western doctor, if they listen, they sometimes see the light!!!!) I will continue my quest for natural cures until I retire, or die, or get killed by the AMA.
You Go Girl, I wish there were more nurses like you out there !
No one has ever died from too much B12 to my knowledge, and if one is not eating a lot of beef, chicken etc then it is absolutely necessary to take a supplement. As for fish oil, duh….. Haven’t you read that it is great for cardiovascular health, cancer, brain health, inflammations of all kinds???? Duh, the medical profession ignores it. But , folks, guess what … Last year it became a prescription med, Lovaza, that’s right, just molecularly distilled fish oil at 10x the price. When will medicine get real ??? And vitamin C , oh, don’t take it . And those other vitamins … You will get it in your burger, or fries, or chicken salad. You get the point. Our food generally sucks re essential metabolic needs.
Hey John. You are absolutely correct. The problem is, BIG Medicine cannot patent something natural, so they have to change it. Just like cholesterol meds as well as other medications derived from natural sources, then isolated for maximum dosage.
There is no $ in a cure, keep those docs rich! Take your drugs!
Actually, you are right about not being able to patent natural things, so they make synthetic mimics to the naturals. Your body can not absorb or utilize chemicals, which is what the pharmas make; chemical “equivalents”. Chemicals are what got us in all this trouble in the first place. Our food source is garbage with a capital G. Unless you grow your own food, you are eating junk, or close to it. Even the expensive “organics” are a scam, eat locally grown food, fresh, take it home and steam it, dont cook it too much. It better than eating anything else. I will not go to resturants, unless they are health food resturants (none in my area, darn). Somehow, with suppliments and trying to eat right I stayed healthy into my 60’s. Nothing wrong, BP and blood fats are perfect, no arthritis, etc. Am so glad we have naturals available to us now, of course its a bit late for most of us, but your body can heal itself from amazing things, even being bed ridden and a week away from death. Just do it right. Juice, fast, free books on the internet for cancer, anything. READ and EDUCATE YOURSELF. It is your only hope.
Yes, i think so, haven’t heard dying from any vitamins at all.. Just curious about this vitamin b12, my friend recommend this mouth spray http://products.mercola.com/vitamin-b12-spray/ and she said i’ll take this everyday to have vitamin b12 because im a vegetarian, is this okay?
actually the last articles I read on carnivors vs vegetarians; their life spans are the same. They live to the same age!
The reason they figure is because of carnitine (sp?) You can get it in suppliment form. It is for your heart. Veg’s dont get it b/c it comes from meat. So, the B12 is fine for some things, wont hurt you, but carnitine is what you need. B12 spray is kind of a big scam too. You dont need to take it under your tongue, it sure is more expensive that way tho. YOu can take a B complex that may be better. If you want go to LifeExtension.com and you can read for free all the good clean studies done and they share a lot of great information for free. This is an excellent way to educate yourself. Good luck.
whoops, I mean L Carnitine.
Check out Cold Salmon Oil Caps and Krill Oil Caps. The Krill you can get most anywhere but Sam’s is the lowest price I found. Most places sell it from $15-$20 per bottle. Also, the Salmon Oil I found to be the one of the better is from Rexall.
Make sure you look at the label, the fish oil should be from cold deep lakes or oceans, the waters as unpolluted as possible. The fish oil should be distilled, molecularly, usually many times so its clean. Othewise it is full of mercury. So, cheap is not always good, you have to educate yourself on what to put into your body. As for “eat what you want now and enjoy it”; well, as your body ages you won’t be enjoying your pain and discomfort and you will have wished you had taken better care. YOu wont enjoy the expense of doctor visits and pills either, or the side effects they give you. If you take steps to prevent, you will enjoy a lot; a lot longer.
YEA, YOU ARE ALL CORRECT. I think the pharma, Md’s and the ‘natural’ food industry – as well as our news media, film et. – are all out to do us in. Eat, drink what the hell you want and enjoy it for corn sake!
I always find it amusing that dr.’s will tell you to take drugs they prescribe, tell you that natural supplements won’t help…. then give you the usual warning of using those natural supplements along with prescription drugs. Hey, I thought they said that those supplements don’t work? So why is there a warning about using them if they are useless? It is important to remember that dr.’s are busy people…. and because of that, most of their knowledge regarding drugs is furnished by the pharmaceutical companies who are all about big bucks! That’s right, they get most of their information from the drug companies. It is the rare doctor who actually does their own homework to obtain their own knowledge base. Sad, but true. You are your only true advocate… so rather than just ask questions, do your own homework. Doctors do not know everything!
U GOT IT RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of those times when I can’t agree more with every comment made here today on this subject. Drugs may be the answer during a life and death situation but when it comes to maintaining a healthy body, good nutrition, exercise and in many cases supplementation are the way to go.
In Europe you see the trend to break away from drug prescription to natural supplementation. Too bad our AMA has so much to gain by keeping the status quo with high volume drug prescription. It get’s complicated to educate people on the subject but fortunately, there’s an increased awareness of this issue nationwide.
Unfortunately the big pharmas have succeeded in almost banning suppliments in Europe, and other places, now they only have very expensive very low dose useless (almost) supplimentation. They are trying hard to do it here, and for years they have not been able to. But, we need to keep on our toes or they will get us when we are unawares. I have singed many a petition and written and called many senators, reps, etc, trying to demand that we have freedom to buy the suppliments we want!!! Please do not neglect to do the same if you want a choice to stay healthy! And thank you all for caring, it is refreshing to find those who care about their health and want to DO something about this SAD situation. I just found out where I live is the #1 city with the highest obesity rate in the US!!!!!! O my gaud.
I agree. Read “Dr. Atkins’ Health Revolution: How Complementary Medicine can Extend Your Life,” book one,
on the history of this problem. It’s an eye opener.
i use the herbal supplement Cardiotone with resperine…along with fish oil and COQ10…brings the BP down..i also exercise 30 minutes daily.
as individuals we need to take charge to a greater extent, of our general well being. A lot of these prescription meds, have untold, dangerous side effects, fill our bodies with toxins,and gradually put us on a vicious cycle of dependency on them,for life.Don’t put the pharmaceutical companies on retainers.
Interesting. I spend my summers in Spain and normally do my medical exams there. I am 41 and by BP sometimes goes over the 140/90 mark. I talked to a doctor in Spain and basically he told me to eat a little better, start getting at least 30 mins of exercise a day. He also recommended a supplement called Ajo, Espino, Olivo (Garlic, Hawthorn, Olive).
I asked the doctor about BP meds. He in turn asked me if I knew what the side effects of those were. He told me that they rarely prescribe meds for BP because there are better ways to reverse the condition. I told him that I have had 2 American doctors advise me to get on BP meds. He joked and said “I am not an American doctor”. Within a week by BP started falling.
BTW, I don’t blame all US doctors. I agree with most of the comments here however I think most US doctors prescibe the meds because they know whom they are dealing with. Most Americans will not make the necessary lifestyle changes because it IS a lot of work. Our diets are horrible and for the most part we are a pretty sedative society.
If most people took the time to eat better, exercise, and get more informed (internet is a wonderful thing). They would have everything they need to control their BP. The truth is most people have high blood pressure due to their lifestyle. We live in a society where a man will smoke for 40 years, end up with a lung disease, then get upset with the doctor for any proscribed treatment for it.
The truth is BP can be maintained with a healthy diet and exercise but there are some where this is not enough. I have polycystic kidney disease. My kidneys are slowly failing over time, to put it shortly. My kidneys are causing my high BP and my BP is speeding up the process on my kidneys. I need medication as well as a healthy diet and exercise to maintain kidney health as long as possible.
In ANY case a healthy diet and exercise is important. When it comes to supplements do some research. Some vitamins and minerals are not complete. Just because you bought vitamin c doesn’t mean you are getting the complete supplement. DO THE RESEARCH!
There is nothing wrong with taking fish oil (omega 3). Even healthy people take it along with their diet to stay healthy.
BTW….. Reader’s Digest published an article some years ago about the possibility and effects of overdosing on vitamins. Look it up. Your body can only process so much of anything. (Please don’t confuse overdosing to mean death. We’re not talking meth here)
What vitamins/supplements do you rcd for high blood pressure, and weak kidneys
REaders Digest???? Please. The drug companies own it. Of course they will say you can OD on vitamins and suppliments. They are kicking drug companies behinds (by taking a chunk of their profits). I used to read Read. Digest, it is garbage. Look at the adds. Every other page is drug ads. I havent read them in years, garbage junk no good. REad something that will enrich you, not lie to you. Remember the “study” they did years ago on porta potties? All the suppliments/vitamins they found whole and undigested in the porta potties for the senior citizens outdoor games?? Guess what they were? Centrum, yup, drug company “vitamins”. You cant digest chemicals, which is what drug companies make. Of course the drug companies wrote the article, trying to stear you away from vitamins and take the magic pills that make it all go away. They didnt realize we would eventually find out it was their “vitamins” going into the outhouses. You have to know who writes these articles lambasting the suppliments, and who pays them. Then you have to know a lot more about the study to be able to glean the truth or something close to it. That is why I recommend LifeExtension.com. That is what they do. No I have nothing to do with them, I just belong and buy some of their vitamins, and do their blood tests that cost far less than the ones RXed by the dr, and are much better and more thorough. YOu would have to know some medicine to realize how much difference there is between tests done by regular doctors paid by insurance companies and the ones you pay for yourself, done by labs who actually administer clean consistent labs, not just + or negative results.
Speak for yourself, Dr. who? Why do you think we are on this site???? I know doctors know their patients? They do???? Who do you go to, or are you? They herd them in like cattle and see then for 2 minutes each, they see way more patients than they should, to make money of course (I know that is a generalization and I know GOOD western docs), but give the patients a chance, and a choice, PLEASE!! Again, education is the key, and no one will do it for you. You can sedentarily sit and READ.
Like to reed DR.Rowena answers.
Doctors should stick to drugs. Most of them tell you a good diet is sufficient for your nutritional needs. However, this tells me they know nothing about modern farming. You cannot grow healthy vegetables in severely poisoned soils thanks to companies like Monsanto and Dow, who are making it harder for us organic farmers to exist.
I hear you loud and clear, Lee. Now the big companies are making it impossible for local organic or any small farmers to grow anything b/c they have PATENTED seeds, which blow with the wind into the next field and grow, and the bad people from the bad companies go look for “their” seeds, and get you for stealing their seeds. You now can’t grow anything because you have “illegally” grown/stolen their seeds. This is happening all over the US. It is sickening. They irradiate our food, change the DNA, and we know nothing of what it will do to us, but we shall see in the future, if we have one.