Q: I have a very slow heart rate from 60+years of jogging. Lately, I’ve started to get an irregular heart beat. My doctor says the only cure is to get a pacemaker. Is there any other less drastic way to correct?
A: A heartbeat so slow that irregular heartbeats occur can be life threatening. Treatment is often a pacemaker. Although some irregular heartbeats can be controlled with drugs, it sounds like you have a problem, such as complete heart block, where a pacemaker is indicated. You should ask your doctor what is causing your irregular beats and discuss further why a pacemaker is needed.
Further Reading:
Reasons for a Pacemaker – LiveStrong.com
Heart Disease and Abnormal Heart Rhythm (Arrhythmia) – WebMD.com
My doctor, a cardiologist who is also an electro physiogist, recommended a graduated approach to dealing with my sometimes-irregular heartbeat. First is drugs, second is ablation, third is a pacemaker. The drug treatment seems to be working, so no need for moving to steps two or three, at least not for now.
I’m sure Dr. Rowena could comment further on this, and you’ve obviously discussed with your doctor, but it’s all about quality of life. Drugs tend to have side effects, especially if taken long term. How long depends on life expectancy, etc, if it would take 50 years to develop problems, and you’re already 65, then it’s probably not that big of an issue, but if it will ruin your kidneys or something within a decade, you might look more favorably on other options.
Because of BP only heart attack or stroke is affecting
people, not only that because of cholestral is also
one of factor which is affecting human being. First
step is reduce our cholestral by not taking fat items
and exercise like walking daily 20 minutes atleast
we should avoid salt to maximum level, we should be
very cautious about sugar also. BP and Sugar like twince, so we should be careful once we find BP in
BP,Sugar and cholestral we can control by taking tablets, but we should learn to control by our diet.
Thank you
Before going to drugs or surgery, try magnesium and fish oil . try this for a few months then go from there. It will not harm you it will benefit your overall health .
My cardiologist indicated this was an electrical problem and had nothing to do with blockage. A pacemaker could be down the road later, but I was told it was not a serious condition. It is called sick sinus syndrome.
I have suffered with irregular heartbeat for many years and 3 cardiologists agreed that I needed a pacemaker. I found a post on a forum that recommended CoQ10, FISH OIL, AND PRIMARILY MAGNESIUM CITRATE(Twice a day). My condition is 95% improved! I go more than a week sometimes with no irregular beats. Better than any of the 10-15 drugs prescribed over the past 20 years.