How many drugs it takes to lower blood pressure.

Q: I’ve diagnosed for over 10 years of high blood pressure. Currently my doctor has me on 4 medications. They are Atenolol (5mg), Amlodipine (Vorvasc) 5 mg, and Lisinopril/Hctz )20 mg and 12.25 2twice a day. Do I really need this many drugs to control my high blood pressure? What steps should be taken to reduce the amount of medicine? Do I need a 2nd opinion?

A: You failed to say if your blood pressure is in good control with all these drugs.  If you are in good control and not experiencing nasty side effects, it is hard to argue with success.  Keep in mind that life style changes may help you reduce your drug needs.  Also, you may want to try the Resperate.  If you are not in control and have made all the recommended lifestyle changes, a second opinion isn’t a bad idea.  Sometimes a different approach will solve a problem or at least give you peace of mind.

Further Reading:
What is RESPeRATE? –

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