Q: My blood pressure is higher in the morning but pulse rate is lower. As day goes on blood pressure becomes into the normal range but my pulse rise to 90+ beats. What should I be doing at night to get my pressure down in the morning. The only med I am taking at night is my atripal
A: Blood pressure goes up in the morning because of normal body rhythms. Without your readings, it is hard to know if your blood pressure needs treatment. The drug Atripla, a drug used to treat HIV infection, usually does not cause high blood pressure. You should discuss this further with your doctor. If you aren’t exercising regularly, now would be a good time to start. Regular exercise will help lower your blood pressure.
dr oz mentioned taking magnesium supplement and a baby aspirin before bed/life extension magazine recommends olive leaf extract and i have noticed co q 10 helps/also refrain from sugar white rice white flour etc.
Can high blood pressure cause Eczema?
The baby aspirin and magnesium should work however doctors disagree on the COQ10. In one article I read ,written by a heart specialist,said COQ10 supplements could not be asorbed and people are wasting their money. In another article and another doctor wrote that COQ10 lowered blood pressure and also strengthened heart muscle.
Take the ubiquinol form of COQ10 for better absorbtion. It’s like night and day.
Does vitamin C do anything for high blood pressure?
it thins the blood.