Q: As an older person, I sometimes have a spread of 70 points between diastolic and systolic pressure. (60 under 130) with medication. Is this a problem with hardening of the blood vessels?
A: The difference between your systolic and diastolic blood pressure is known as your pulse pressure. For example if blood pressure is a normal 120/80, the pulse pressure is 40. This is normal pulse pressure. Higher pulse pressures are associated with blood vessels losing their elasticity or becoming hardened. A high pulse pressure is another risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
My Blood Pressure has been ranging at a average of 120 over 80 and my pulse is been between 60 and 70 . Is this a High Pulse rate? I am a 59 year old male.
For you? Age 59? About average. But it’s only a tiny part of the whole picture your doctor sees. This tiny part by itself provides no ground for worry, unless your doctor says elsewise. Then get a 2nd opinion.
My BP with medication is 130/60, but sometimes spikes to 170/60ish with my pulse between 60-70. I was diagnosed with CHF/LVH/MVP @ 55yrs……I also have Fibromyalgia & in constant pain……….all 3 doctors say my ‘chronic pain’ contribute to the readings. I’m now 62yrs, female , nothing has changed. I received a target rate of 113-130 max for exercise from my cardiologist so no further “damage” is done……….That’s what STRESS does to you from working all those years ;-(
BTW: I have no clots, no clogs & no plaque in any arteries and I “meditate” for the past 12 yrs. Deep yogic breathing does the trick for me!
yes, my Blood pressure in the morning is between 140-150 and then i do exercise that day and then i checked it and its usually between 125-137 and then i get up the next morning and its between 140-150 again how can i keep it down from going up again, i’am 73 years old, is it cause by tension or stress that day.
sounds like you need to keep “exercising” if it is lowering it after exercise 😉
I take 380 milligrams od diovan and at night 10 mgs. of bystolic> I also take 80 mga. of the generic lipitor at night before bedtime along with the bystolic and 3 rescue 0il pills .In the morning I also take synthroid ( 75 micrograms an d APPROX. 5 HOURS LATER i TAKE THE 380 MGS. OF DIOVAN ALONG WITH A VBABY ASPARIN SINCE i HAD A MILD STROKE 1 AND 1/2 YEARS AGO.dOES THAT SEEM LIKE AN EXTROIDINARY AMOUNT OF MEDICATION? IT REALLY CONCERNS ME.