Q: I retired and since then I have diagnosied as having high blood pressure. My general practitioner has prescribed me Candesartan 16 mg and bumetanide 1 mg in the mornings. I find that I am having paranoiac thoughts and also occasional aches. Is this to be expected?
A: You certainly could be experiencing side effects from your drugs. The side effects are more likely coming from the angiotensin II receptor antagonist, Candesartan than your diuretic. In general diuretics are better tolerated than other classes of drugs. Considering the seriousness of feeling paranoid, you should discuss changing your medication with your doctor. To learn more about what to expect with Candesartan go to this page at MedLinePlus.gov.
I would love to have a Resperate. I have been to my doctor and asked for a prescription and been refused on the grounds that Resperate is not on their list. I have asked twice with no luck, and no intentions from either doctor in the practice to enquire into the matter.
Doctors do not make their money from keeping us healthy.
I believe that Resperate is approved for reimbursement through federal Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plans. So if you participate in this type of plan you might want to pay with your own money and then seek reimbursement.
Thanks for your response … sadly I live in the Uk and don’t have (FSA)
I have a resperate,only used twice. If interested send me an e-mail
What would you be willing to sell your desperate for? Thanks. Pat
I will sell my resperate for $ 125.00, it is in new condition . I have a picture if interested
wondering why someone is selling one!!! is it not as good as advertised
In order to be reimbursed through a Health Savings Account, you will need an Rx from a health practioner. I’d call around and find a doctor or health care provider that is familiar with them, make an appointment, ask for an Rx and consider if they are a better fit for you anyway.
My family doctor didn’t even read the info. I gave him, but my nurse practioner knew all about it and faxed me an Rx.
Jackie: My goodness – go ahead and buy it anyway. When you think about all the money you will eventually save from not buying blood pressue medicine, you will be ahead of the game. Not to mention the fact that you will be feeling really relaxed also. I have been using Resperate for four year and I use it every day and I LOVE IT!
Thanks Dandee!!
I was using the resperate for a couple of years, It did nothing to lower my pressure.. BUT it was because the Drs. had me on a B.P. med that actually raised my pressure.. I was in the hosp 4 times with a pressure on 240 /129…But they kept giving me the same meds… I switched Drs. to someone that was more experienced in the field… I am now on 90 mgs of verapmil down from 360.. plus… I take yoga and practice it every day..the breathing is the most important part so I would say that now, the resperate would probably work ..Think I will try it again along with my yoga lessons
I had exactly the same reaction from my doctor as Jackie. He wouldn’t prescribe Resperate because he said it wasn’t approved by NICE. He preferred to prescribe medication, but I am off completely and taking my chances trying to reduce HBP naturally. My friend mentioned Resperate to him (same doctor) and he said he’d never heard of it. That was after I’d given him all the documentation. I’m afraid it rather destroys my trust in the medical profession.
This kind of ignorance is really annoying.. I know that to lower mine I have had to control my food, cut down on fruit (fructose) increase green veggies and stop all bread and pasta along with potatoes.. much better now down to a reasonable level !
When I said this to my Doctor she looked at me as if I was talking utter rubbish….
If it doesn’t come in the shape of a pill most don’t know about it.
You’ve essentially described the failure of modern medicine. Doctors know little if anything about the power of nutrition or exercise.
I asked the doctor if there were other ways to lower blood pressure besides the Rx Lisinopril he was giving me, and he said, “No.” He could have said, “Some of my patients have tried (fill in the blank) but I find in the end they go on meds,” or any other answer. But just a flat “No”! He is either not knowledgeable or a liar. That was the moment I knew he could not be my doctor.
Remember they don’t want you to know there are alternatives. Their business relies on you coming back to them to keep your drug habit alive and well. The patients are junkies. The docs also have to support the Pharma industry too. It’s a big hoax. I fired my doctor for his bad attitude last year.
Visit a naturopathic doctor instead. Traditional modern medicine is failing us as patients.
I’m on two prescription meds for high bp. My bp is around 130 over 80 I think. Sometimes it is 140. I’ve been reading that it should be lower than that. For me, I think it’s normal. My issue right now is prescription meds for high cholesterol/high triglycerides. My doctor actually gets angry because I confront him with symptoms of side effects that I experience. I’m currently on Livalo, a statin. I was prescribed this drug over a month ago. It’s a low dose – 2mg every other day, yet I still can’t seem to tolerate it. I haven’t been taking it and my next dr. appntmnt. is in November. He’s not going to like the fact that I haven’t been taking it. I am at risk for a stroke or heart attack because my father had a severe stroke and succumbed to it 7 years later. He was a heavy smoker. I am not, nor ever have smoked, although I grew up inhaling 2nd hand smoke from my father. My total cholesterol is over 300. My triglycerides have improved in the last visit, but still higher than they should be. I’ve also read that statins are bad for women in particular and raise a woman’s risk of breast cancer by as much as 1500%. Also, there is an increased risk of Diabetes – 9%, from taking statins after a year. My mother had breast cancer and was on statins, too, so I’m wondering if the statins might have increased her risk. I certainly don’t want to have a stroke or heart attack, but I don’t want to have breast cancer or diabetes, either. What would you do? Take the risk? I’m eating oatmeal, including a fiber drink everyday. Just started including walking again. I’ve been decreasing my bad carb intakes like white bread, sweets, etc. I’m hoping this will help. I’m nervous about seeing my doc again because I know he’s going to give me hell.
Sandy, to lower your cholesterol naturally I would go on a plant based diet. You should be able to eliminate the need for a statin drug and lower your cholesterol significantly. To get into a safe zone it should be less than 150 and you essentially become heart attack and stroke proof. I consume a plant based diet which means no animal protein, dairy or oils of any kind. It works, period. I’d recommend the Engine 2 diet and also read “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” You should see big results in a few weeks.
I also wanted to add that I am on a prescription drug for Hypothyroidism – a low functioning thyroid. I generally feel tired easily and very sluggish. I believe this may be another reason why my triglycerides are high and over all cholesterol is high. I want to find an endocrinologist to see if the medication I’m on is correct and sufficient. My doctor once before told me that a specialist can’t and won’t do anything more than he is doing for me, but I have heard differently from a friend of mine. He had the same problem and he said his endo improved his health greatly.