Meditation Proven to Lower Heart Attack Risk

(PRWEB) The Projects for Natural Health Choices Inc. recommends practicing meditation to lower heart attack risk. Practicing meditation was shown to lower the risk of heart attack and lower blood pressure in the subjects of a study conducted by the Medical College of Wisconsin and published in the November 13 issue of the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

This study had 201 subjects who had an average age of 59 years old and were considered to be clinically obese. One group was given a health education course and the other group was taught to meditate for about 20 minutes a day.

The researchers evaluated the subjects in the beginning of the study, at three months into it and at the end of six months. They concluded that regular meditation was correlated with reduced death, heart attack and stroke and that the blood pressure of the mediators was reduced by an average of 5 mm Hg.
According to Robert Schneider, M.D., lead researcher: “We hypothesized that reducing stress by managing the mind-body connection would help improve rates of this epidemic disease. It appears that Transcendental Meditation is a technique that turns on the body’s own pharmacy — to repair and maintain itself.”


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