Q: What is the Doctor’s opinion on taking Marine D3 supplements or supplements in general to lower HBP?
A: If you eat a balanced healthy diet, you should not need to take a supplement. More and more studies are showing that ingredients in foods are not quite the same when formed into a supplement. Typically, supplements have not undergone the same tough clinical trials as drugs to prove both that they work and do not have bad side effects. This does not mean supplements don’t help, just that good studies aren’t available to show that they do. Because of this, I personally would rather spend my money on the freshest food available that contains the primary ingredient of the supplement. For example, salmon is a good source of Omega-3’s and vitamin D.
Marine D3 is a vitamin D, omega-3 oil, and seaweed based supplement that claims to lower blood pressure and help slow aging. To read what an independent laboratory has to say about it follow this link:
I was told by my Doctor that I have high blood pressure, he stated that it`s my job to do all i can so not to take any drugs,just exerciser,drink plenty of water and no salt.Remember drugs have medication interactions.
Hi Rodney,
While it is not the kind of news you want to hear from your doctor, fortunately high blood pressure can easily be managed naturally with a few lifestyle changes.
There are many steps you can take to start reducing your blood pressure naturally which include, as your doctor explained:
– Exercise regularly
– Lower your weight if you are overweight
– Stop smoking if you smoke
– Eat healthy and in accordance with the DASH Eating Plan, which was designed to lower high blood pressure naturally
(DASH EATING PLAN: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/dash/)
– Avoid eating salt and sodium
– Reduce your stress levels
– Share your high blood pressure experience with our community and learn more from your peers.
– Resperate – FDA Cleared device to naturally lower high blood pressure: http://www.resperate.com
A great article we recently posted will get you started on the road towards naturally lowering your high blood pressure: “13 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally”. Follow this link to read this article: http://www.lowerpressure.com/13-ways-to-lower-blood-pressure-naturally/.
Here is another article we posted that will also provide you an overall understanding about high blood pressure: http://www.lowerpressure.com/5-misconceptions-about-high-bp/
Lowerpressure.com offers many articles, tips and and medical opinions on how to lower blood pressure that you will find very helpful.
We also recommend that you visit http://www.resperate.com and learn about the only FDA Cleared, clinically tested device that lowers high blood pressure naturally through guided therapeutic breathing exercises. Here is the link to RESPeRATE: http://www.resperate.com/us/welcome/index.aspx?.
We hope this information will be helpful and we invite you to keep us posted and if you have any questions you can email us at [email protected].
The LowerPressure Team
Unfortunately, most American (yes well over 50%) are deficient in one or more crucial vitamins and minerals with vitamin D being at the top of the list. Lower vitamin D levels (not a deficiency just lower blood levels) have been linked to a variety of cancers and cardiovascular disease. While supplement manufacturing is not held to the same standard as pharmaceuticals, reputable companies follow industry accepted manufacturing standards to ensure the integrity of products. Given the huge financial gains of pharmaceutical companies for even one drug, and poor their history (damages awards for Fosamax, Vioxx, Zometa, Avandia, etc. etc.), its difficult to put much trust in pharmaceuticals even with their clinical trials which (as we now know) can be fudged. We know that pharaceuticals can be of great help, but my family elects to pursue a more natural approach (vitamins) when available.
This one is among the most ridiculous of the “good doctor’s” answers. Supplements are necessary in today’s toxic world of unhealthy foods, many of which are poisoned by our air, water, and earth, and to deal with the extra toxins that we take in daily in this polluted life we live.
Vitamin D is one of the most important supplements. If this doctor knew anything about the therapeutic levles of vitamin D which help protect not only against heart disease, but also against cancers, she would be recommending vitamin D supplementation. The simple fact is that the “healthy diet” leaves people with woefully inadequate vitamin D blood levels.
The insantity and indeed the ignorance of the AMA about many healthy nutraceuticals and supplents continues………and too many people actually believe this baloney!
That’s odd that the doctors and nutritional health experts say that supplements do help. One in particular is Dr. Mercola, http://www.mercola.com, says that different supplements do help with no side effects, based on studies that he and others point to.
You have to be extra careful with some supplements. I was taking a fish oil supplement and garlic and also a baby aspirin every other day. when I had my wisdom tooth taken out I bleed for two days and two nights. Wediscovered all of the above supplements thin the blood.If you are taking some supplements that thin the blood you could bleed to death if you have surgery.anothe r thing ..about salt.. The table salt you use at home has iodine and most people need this iodine or they may be asking for trouble . The salt at the table accounts for only 7% of your salt. The salt they use in processed foods and in restaurants doesnt have iodine and is responsible for over 90% of the salt you get that causes HBP.
I have been taking my blood pressure medicine for a while now, but alone with exercise my blood pressure has been running very well. I have tried other things that was good trying to cut back on the salt intake and those ingredients really work. Thanks to my nutrientous and doctor, I can enjoy spending more time with my family and doing family things.