(Care2.com) — A University of Colorado study found that even people who eat a healthy, low-sodium diet may be at risk of high blood pressure due to a commonly-found food additive. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is found in almost all processed, prepared, or packaged foods, was shown to increase blood pressure by up to 32%.
According to the study, HFCS causes inflammation in the bloodstream which causes the blood vessel walls to tighten, resulting in blood pressure increases. Even people who ate a healthy diet with periodic ingestion of HFCS experienced the blood pressure increase.
While HFCS can be listed as corn syrup, fructose, high fructose sweetener, natural sweetener, or other type of sweetener on the label of foods, it is still the same health-damaging sweetener. Even foods that claim to be “natural” can include HFCS. Only fresh whole foods or foods that are labeled “100% organic” are devoid of HFCS.
It can be found in almost any foods but is common in most types of soda, and processed foods labeled “low-fat” or “non-fat”. Most food manufacturers add high-fructose corn syrup to add flavor when they make fat-reduced foods and HFCS happens to be extremely cheap.
Very interesting…that stuff should be banned, because it also contributes, significantly, to “Metabolic Syndrome.”
I would do a real comment if you would have let me read it. Do not want to buy anything.
HFCS is ALSO a huge contributor to obesity. It should be banned, along with other chemically toxic food additives and colorings.
So true…. that stuff is just plain unhealthy. And so why are people encouraged to eat foods with this stuff in it? For low sodium diets? Good question!
I have been a member of CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) for almost 15 years. I get their monthly magazine NUTRITION ACTION which covers every area of health, and gives consumers the ‘inside scoop’ on the latest food/nutrition and health news. At $20 per year, it is priceless. I recommend it highly for all those serious about their health and well-being!
Seeing that this is all but so true, who can we get to have the General Surgeon and the FDA to completely ban all HFCS from all food since these institutions are there to protect the health of innocent people.
Or should we begin with an Egyptian style health revolution.Oh! please don’t tell me we cannot change the system,something can always be done for the right time is now….
Soon we won’t be able to eat anything! Ugh.