Could My Medications Be Causing Fatigue, Depression, and Paranoia?

Q: I have been on a Clonidine .2 mg./diem patch for more than a year. I also take Calcitonin-Salmon nasal spray daily for osteoporosis and Synthroid 37 mg daily for hypothyroidism. In the last several months  I have experienced extreme fatigue, depression, and paranoia which sometimes lifts in the afternoon or after a cup of coffee. Do you think the Clonidine or any of the other medications or any interaction among them is responsible?

A: The problem is most likely related to your Clonidine.  This drug is known to have depression and anxiety as side effects.  You also want to make sure you are on the proper amount of Synthroid.  Low thyroid levels can contribute to depression.  You should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your symptoms.

To review the side effects of Clonidine, visit >>


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