Q: If I do my slow inbreath, slow outbreath procedure my blood pressure goes down to just over 12. If I don’t it’s up around 15. so, if i do enough of the slow breathing, logically, I should be able to keep it down?
A: Clinical studies for the Resperate have proven slow, controlled breathing lowers blood pressure. However, the breathing must be done on a subconscious level. This is why I recommend using the Resperate. You just listen to music, relax, and lower your blood pressure without any side effects. You could be harming yourself by trying to consciously control the way you breathe. Breath holding increases blood pressure.
Further Reading:
What is RESPeRATE? – resperate.com
I discovered Mark Uridel, Pranayama, The Art Of Natural Breathing. This is so restful and beneficial. It appears the CD is only available in America. Why ?!!!
I have tried to buy it on Amazon with no success. The only way to listen to it is via my computer on youtube.
I want to be able to curl up in comfort and play it on my CD Player. Can anyone tell me where I can buy this elusive CD?
When I listen to it, my blood pressure goes down.
It has a soothing, wonderful soundtrack of “Breathing Music”. Nothing else on offer has the same quality.
Anna. You can buy it in iTunes Store under Pranayama, just look on Google under ” mark uridel, pranayama ” and you would find it-
Thankyou Jussi.
I have tried so often to buy the CD! Circumstances alter cases . Here Goes.
If any one knows about the availability of this CD, please give details (publisher, address and telephone #)
in North America, or in Europe. Thanks. nrmantena
I tried RESPeRATE about 4 or 5 years ago and again a year ago. The results were the same. MY BLOOD PRESSURE WENT UP! I tried for weeks each time and finally gave up. It caused me such stress, it was just so terrible. I cannot recommend it to anyone.
Did you also do lifestyle changes with it? Diet, exercise, etc. I find it very relaxing and helps BP if done regularly. Perhaps you need to do other relaxation exercises with it. Message also works.
I was unable to use the Resperate and had to send it back,but I’m not the average. The wires made me nervous with wire in my ears and around my waist on a belt to measure breathing and then trying to follow instructions actually made me nervous and my blood pressure went up. I hope they invent a simple video with no wires that simply instructs you when to breath in and out and slowly works you down to about 10 breaths a minute or less for 15 minutes. I need something simple.
There’s an app for the ipad that helps you slow down your breathing less than ten breaths a minute for 15 minutes. No wires or belts needed. It’s either a $1.99 or $2.99 in the app store.
Jerry, just have a listen to Mark Uridel, Pranayama, The art of Natural breathing. Very restful and therapeutic.
If your blood pressure goes down to just over 12, your blood pressure might be too low. Is 12 the systolic or the diastolic reading? See your doctor soon.
I think he means it goes down 12 points.
Actually if your blood pressure went down to 12, you should see your mortician 🙂
What will be the effect if i use respirate twice a day.
I think twice a day is best, but I haven’t disciplined myself to remember it that frequently. this is the hard part. It usually works for once a day for me.
I tried Resperate for about two years and unfortunately it didn’t work for me.
It seems to work for me if done regularly. I sleep better if done at night. I got it for a friend, and it works for her too.
So glad I bought this Resperate, which my hubby and I being using for 8 years. Its ready control your BP from going up. If used 3 times a week its always around 80/140. I had bought 1 each for my brother and sister.They too agreed with me. If you constantly use it, rest assured of getting a stroke.
Hi, I have a resperate, but like some thers find it a bit stress provoking rather than helpful.
What seems to work better for me is simple counted breathing, that is just breathe in for a count of say three, short pause then out for 5-6.
The fun of this is that the only real guideline seems to be that one makes the outbreath longer than the inbreath, so 2- 4 would be worth trying 3-5, 2-3 etc etc, find your own level, I am now upto 4-8, if I want to “force it” Ican easily go upto 8-16 but Idont think thats really necessary, just a male ego thing you understand lol
I believe the Resperate works, but at times i would yawn so much that I would hear the message about breathing with the machine. I almost fell asleep also. I have not given up, but I dont understand why I am never accurately following the machine(so it says.) Any one else have this problem.
Truthfully I did not see any change after using Resperate. It’s a nice relaxing thing to do but is kind of a waste of money in my opinion. I am an analytical type and map out the numbers and 30 days after using Resperate, no change in my average BP reading. It was the DIET that made the diffeence for me. I’m not a doctor but have a science background and these vascular type conditions such as HBP and high cholesterol seem to be directly linked to what is going inside your arteries based on what you eat which explains why so many of these problems can be reversed with careful diet and exercise. Medication or a breathing device such as Resperate will not cure the root cause.
Clinical trials (that is experimental studies where people are randomly assigned to different conditions) have shown that slow breathing is effective at lowering blood pressure. I’ve read a quite number of these studies. Most involve the Resperate device, but there are some that use metronomes or music paired with sounds to indicate when to breathe. None of the studies assessed whether research participants were breathing in a conscious or subconscious manner. They merely showed that slow breathing causes a reduction in blood pressure.