Q: I seem to get high BP during emotional situations. When I take medication it drops too low and I don’t feel well. I meditate exercise, eat well, and am not overweight. What would you recommend?
A: Emotional stress can contribute to high blood pressure. Meditation and regular exercise are good choices to help lower stress. If you are unable to tolerate a drug prescribed to control blood pressure, you need to report this to your doctor. There are multiple medications to choose from. In addition, the RESPeRATE has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure. I personally find the RESPeRATE very soothing and stress alleviating to use.
I feel that this site is a camouflaged spot designed specifically to sell resperate drug. If this is true, it is dishonest.
So what if that is your opinion. I have the Resperate and rarely use it, although I should. I always read the questions and answers on this site and am quite satisfied and grateful about the knowledge I gain.
Resperate is NOT a drug. It is a small device that helps to lower your heart rate and does relax you. It is based on biofeedback and your breathing rate. It definitely does help, along with regular exercise and good nutrition. Stress is a definite problem for those people who tend to pump adrenaline when they are under emotional stress. It may not completely eliminate the need for some medication, but at least it might reduce the need for higher doses of drugs.
Stop taking all medications!
While in a time of intense stress my blood presure rose and I had palpitations. BP went to 160-180/100; I was put on Atenolol, a beta blocker. Then Trimaterene/htcz. Took both for several years but when my kidneys showed damage my Dr. took me off the latter and added an ACE, bad news with the cough…then a ARB, swelling ensued. Both lowered my BP way too much.
Long story short. I never needed those drugs at all. At this time I’ve gradually reduced the Atenolol from 150mg to 25mg and half of that to what I expect to be zero by mid November. Yea! for me!!
I’m majorly pissed that I was put on this drug regimen in the first place and if I could spend the time to tell you what happened with the this convoluted mess it would be a warning to all.
Please don’t assume you don’t need to see your Dr. You do, but be informed and ask questions.
After reading a lot of negatives on medication, I am in a quandry. I am turning more to natural medications and would like to hear your story.
Doctors don’t like to be told that they are giving you the wrong medication…
I was hosptilized 3 times in one year because they had me on Beta Blockers instead of calcium chanel blockers..I had to find out thru Bottom Line that my renin count was low 0.24 and i needed to be on the calcium chanel … only if your renin count is high over 0.4 should you be on beta blockers…soon they will be testing people for their renin so they can prescribe the right blood pressure..Now they are just guessing…hoping they get it right… well I TOLD my Dr I wanted off beta blockers and on Calcium chanels ..I have felt the best in 4 yrs and my pressure is down I feel like my old self again.. (Go to the Yoshiba University site in the Bronx New York and get the real info news on high blood pressure….)
I was on a channel blocker for several months and my legs,ankles, feet, even toes swelled so bad I couldn’t wear my shoes anymore..My blood pressure was no where near normal…I was on the highest dosage possible, so I slowly weaned myself off of it. It feels great to wear my shoes again. I had all kind of side effects from beta blockers so that didn’t work either. Is there any kind of medicine I can take that won’t have all the bad side effects? I used the resperate and couldn’t see any change in my blood pressure. Seems I am doomed to have high blood pressure…