Erratic Blood pressure readings.

Q: Recently at a health fair screening my bp was around 150/90. When I was checking out, they checked it again, it was 180/100, 1 minute later it was 235/100, 1 minute later it was 170/100, they said it was because I was stressed but I should go somewhere different and have it checked. I went to Walgreens Takecare clinic and met with an RN there, where my BP was 150/90. Why the crazy swings in numbers? I do have an appointment with a dr. in a few days.

A: You had your blood pressure checked at a health fair. Your blood pressure was not normal. I do not know why you had such erratic readings. It could be error on the part of the taker, equipment malfunction, stress, side effect of a drug, an irregular heartbeat, etc. The take home message of the fair was you flunked the screening test and need to be evaluated more carefully. I am glad you have an appointment to see your doctor. Based on the evaluation by your doctor, you should get a clearer picture of what is going on.

Further Reading:
Get the most out of home blood pressure monitoring –

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