Q: Does high blood pressure cause ear ache, severe neck pain and a sound in the ear? Each time I feel these symptoms, and I check my bp I will notice a slight increase. I would like to know all the symptoms of high blood pressure. Thank you.
A: High blood pressure does not cause symptoms until it is too late. That is why the disease is known as the silent killer. Hypertension often is not diagnosed until someone is in the emergency room with a stroke or heart attack. Many people report they can tell their pressure is up by the way the feel but studies have not shown this to be true. To read the evidence go to this page at Heart.org.
Ringing in my eras started several years ago but my “elevated blood pressure” was not addressed until a few years thereafter. I am not sure of the cause and effect as I have been told that the tinitus is a common loss of hearing in those over 55. However, some medications made it worse that I have been taken off of. Some days it is worse than others–higher BP are the worse days. Good luck.
Supposedly ringing in the ears IS one of the symptoms of HBP as are headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, and hearing your heart pound in your ears, although HBP most often is symptomless. If someone notices any of the above symptoms have your BP checked immediately. It might already be dangerously high and life threatening.
I am one of those that feel they can sense high blood pressure, I believe some of us do. Taking herbal products for high blood pressure is a disaster, believe me I tried it! I having working on high blood pressure for about six years. Here is what I currently take: Nifedipine 90 MG time-release, Losartan 100MG time-release, plus Labetalol HCL 100 MG, Mornings, one Labetalol night, around 10 PM, this is a six year experiment, originally had one partially clogged artery, quit cholesterol pill due adverse problems has stated on recent research I was feeling and also stated by others on internet.
You may be experiencing physical symptoms of stress – humans tend to hold tension in neck and jaw and this affects the ears. If you are holding stress in your body in this way your blood pressure is most likely to rise. Try relaxation exercises to release the neck and the jaw and see if this makes a difference. Its more likely that stress is causing the physical discomfort and your blood pressure is a response to stress, than your blood pressure is creating the physical symptoms. If this is the case the systolic number is likely to rise and the diastolic number to be slightly elevated. Your symptoms sound familiar to me by the way.