How the time of day and your meds affects your bp.

Q: I’m taking 40 mg of Benicar + 12.5 HCT in the morning and a Beta Blocker (Metoprolol 50 mg) in the evening. What could possibly cause my BP to rise in the late afternoons/early evenings? During the mornings & day BP readings are usually from the 120’s over high 70’s low 80’s but in the late afternoons/early evenings the readings are from 150’s or more over high 80’s or 90’s

A: The beta blocker you are taking is eliminated from the body fairly quickly.  You are taking it in the evening.  By late afternoon, it is possible that your blood levels of the beta blocker are so low that your blood pressure is no longer controlled.  You should show your readings to your doctor.

Further Reading:
Mayo Clinic on Beta Blockers
How Do Beta Blockers Lower Blood Pressure? –

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