Q: Is it safe to get a massage when BP averages 130/82?
A: Massage is felt to be a safe procedure when performed by a trained professional. Blood pressure does not have to be normal to get a massage. To learn more about the different types of massage therapy and possible benefits go to this page at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
You don’t even have high blood pressure. Sounds like you should be visiting an anti-anxiety website instead.
Sounds like your doctors have you scared to live because your pressure is slightly above their “magic” normal numbers of 120/80.
130/80 isn’t high. It’s well within normal range.
Massage is good for you and might even lower your pressure a few points.
Mine averages about 130/65…….I get massages every 3 wks for fibromyalgia….it is relaxing………go for it!! 🙂
Massage relaxes, increases blood flow, reduces lymph congestion, often enables better sleep, reduces musculo-skeletal pain from stress, sports injury, and computer related or other work or exercise related problems. Pregnant women feel much better afterwards and can’t wait to return for more. The idea that you need a doctor’s permission to have a health-giving massage is pure AMA arrogance, nothing more. Some doctors thrive on regular stress-reducing massage, medical massage is being added to hospital staffs, and I expect in the next ten years that massage will become a co-partner with doctors seeking the best health possible for their patients, just as it has been with chiropractic.