reducing meds

The other day, I had change in routine, and I forgot to my blood pressure medicine.  I was off away from my mediation and it was later in the day when I got around to taking my blood pressure.  To my surprise it was a nice 125 over 78.   Not bad for no medicine.  So, I thought, I keep following it, see what happened.  About an hour later, I had like a fainting spell, took my blood pressure it was  100/60, kind of low.  Then 15 minutes later I took it was 155/98.   I took a few more readings, and it was going up and down like crazy.   So,  after an another hour of this  I took my mediation.  An hour later it settled to it usual more stable amount.   Clearly there is something complex about how medication interacts with our body, and what happens when we go off it.

Now, most high blood pressure medicine, comes with a warning about consulting a medical doctor about attempting withdrawal of medication.  Based on my above experience, it is probably a good idea to do that.




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