Q: Ever since I started taking blood pressure medicine I noticed my penis getting smaller and smaller and sexually weaker and weaker everyday. I tried Viagra, Cialis, Revitral and others but still see no improvement in my BP and ED. What am I to do? Please help!
A: Since you have tried prescription drugs for your erectile dysfunction, I assume your doctor does not feel your problem is a side effect of your blood pressure or other medications. To help get your blood pressure in better control, you might want to try the Resperate. Regular use of the Resperate does not cause any sexual side effects. In addition to drugs, there are other effective treatments for erectile problems. You might want to make an appointment with an urologist for a further evaluation. To learn more about erectile dysfunction and its treatment go to this page on the Mayo Clinic site.
Have you looked at the side effects of all the drugs you take on the internet? Google the name + side effects. Most drugs are toxic and if your doc listed all the side effects you may not have taken the drugs to start with. Combination of drugs can also have unexpected side effects. I had problems with a number of BM meds and also with anxiety meds. One of the best ways to control BP is with food, a change of diet. Dr Neal Bernard has a book on reversing diabetes and his diet has a strong effect on BP as well, especially if you can exercise. It is available at Walamrt ship-to-store for $9.17 and is worth a read. Your local library may have it too.
Dr. Neal Bernard’s diet raised my BP. I was on his vegan diet for one year. As soon all it did for me is I lost a few pounds. As soon as I got back to eating meat my bP returned to normal. Google Dr. Neal Bernard you see he has hidden agenda. PETA. Also check what kink of DR he is.
Checking things out with a Urologist is a good idea, just in case there is something no one else is picking up on. Aside from that, you don’t mention your age, but from about 40 years on, men can have very low testosterone which can cause every symptom you have mentioned. I would have your testosterone checked too. If it is the male hormone, that is a quick fix! Good Luck.
Think you now have to decide what is priority – lowering your blood pressure as it can lead to other serious conditions [like stroke, heart attack or renal failure] or just plain having sex!!! Trust me, when you have a stroke, etc. you won’t be thinking of sex!!!
HBP and diabetes has side effects. Unfortunately, you can’t have your cake and eat it.
Use Zinc supplements.
Are you on a beta-blocker? I had to change my doctor, to change my medications; my new doctor adjusted my meds, removing the beta-blocker, and putting me on Norvasc (generic version), which solved most ED issues and got better BP readings as well, plus making me feel able to exercise, instead of feeling half-dead. Don’t settle for a poor solution, or a solution that creates new problems but doesn’t solve your old ones! Good Luck!
definitely suffering from ED and it doesn’t help that I have not controlled the stop drinking and smoking plans well. Have cut down on salts but have cravings for sugars and by evening the swelling is prevalent about the toes, feet, ankles and calves. On lisinopral, hydrochloriazide, simvulstatin, tamulosin niacin, aspirin and motrin. Weight jumps on and off in a day and as much as 8 lbs. I can feel it (swelling)in calves.
Iam confused about d respreate does it control blood preside along or one has to do embark on exercise together
Dear Aduma,
Resperate is an FDA Cleared medical device that lowers high blood pressure naturally by regulating your breathing. WIthin 3 – 6 weeks Resperate users begin to see positive results. We advise you to speak with your doctor to determine what is the best strategy for you to lower your blood pressure, especially since everyone’s body reacts in its own way to different methods. That said, it is advised regardless whether you are using the Resperate or taking medication to lower your blood pressure, to exercise regularly. Not only is it recommended to exercise regularly, but also to eat healthy to lower your blood pressure.
Exercising can include anything from a walk in the park every morning or a spinning class at your local gym. The important thing is to be active and to discuss with your doctor what type of exercises would work for you. There are some Resperate users that have indicated that they were able to lower their blood pressure with minimal to no exercising and many others that happen to also exercise while using Resperate and also saw positive results. Resperate has a 90% success rate and the 10% that have reported dissatisfaction also reported that they did not use the device according to Resperate’s requirements.
We hope this information was helpful?
All the best,
LowerPressure Team