Q: Can my BP meds contribute to Chronic Dry Eye; I’m age 62, female, taking Torsemide 5mg and Nifediac CC 30mg.
A: It is certainly possible your medications are contributing to your dry eyes. Torsemide is a diuretic so it forces your body to loose water. A known side effect of Nifediac is making eyes sensitive to light. The combination of being a little dry with increased light sensitivity would make a dry eye problem feel worse.
Further Reading:
Side Effects of Torsemide – eMedTV.com
Diuretics lower blood pressure by decreasing fluid volume in your body, thus lowering circulatory pressures, as well by the reduced fluid volume. There are many ill effects of blood pressure meds, and dry eyes is one potential downside. Additionally, diuretics will create an imbalance in your electrolites. If you have not tried to control your blood pressure through diet, exercise, relaxation techniques, and appropriate healthy supplements, you might want to also give these a try! Best case scenario, you can eliminate meds or at least reduce them and their negative side effects. All the best!!