Q: Can toporal cause psorasis. I have read articles which indicate that. I am alergic pain reliever celebrix and my doc is afraid to give me ace inhibiters. What can I do as an alternative?
A: Beta blockers such as Toprol can cause a dermatitis that can look similar to psoriasis. This is not a common side effect but it does occur. There are plenty of other types of medicine to control high blood pressure in addition to beta blockers and ace inhibitors. For a list describing the different types go to Heart.org for more information.
Further Reading:
Drug Side Effects of Toprol – Livestrong.com
Drugs.com on Toprol
And, for every one of these “plenty of types of medication”, your body will pay a price in terms of damaged health in other ways. There are many healthier ways to control hypertension naturally. They are not always easy to do, but they are worth the effort in terms of a longer, healthy life.