Q: Can l-tryptophan and 5 HTP cause increased B/P? I take both for insomnia. They metabolize to serotonin.
A: Any drug or supplement can cause a serious adverse reaction. There are common side effects and rare side effects. It is possible the use of these supplements could cause high blood pressure. There is concern that l-tyrptophan and 5HTP use may cause the serious problem eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. This side effect can persist even after the drug is stopped. To learn more go to this article at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine site.
Further Reading:
Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome – Medscape.com
5 – HTP – WebMD.com
Dr. Rowana is quoting 1980s articles. It was found that the eosinophilia caused by Tryptophan was a contaminant and not due to tryptophan. She is so against supplements and an advocate of Big Pharma that she only recommends pharmaceuticals that cost more money. The doctors in this country have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies and the representatives that visit the doctor’s offices and hand out perks and free samples. Do your own research