Q: What effect if any, does too much shouting with anger have on blood pressure?
A: In any stressful situation, blood pressure goes up. This does not mean it has to go above normal but it goes up. This is Mother Nature’s way of getting your body ready to fight or flee. Blood pressure goes back down once the stressful situation has passed. Constant stress is not a clear risk factor for high blood pressure but often is related to other behaviors such as excessive drinking or over eating which are risk factors.
sending to my mailid since it is a useful info.
This is hogwash. Stress is major risk factor for HBP. My BP was fine 2 years ago until I had a number of stressful events all at once, and what do you know, my BP went up–a lot. I eat very little meat, don’t smoke, drink and exercise regularly. Go figure doc.
The last message was extremely rude and should be deleted. My husband tells me I live on stress and being a full-time teacher of 14-16 year olds has given me the ability to cope. It is perfectly natural for blood pressure to go up and down. Now, at 80 years of age, I follow MD Al Sears recommendations for slowing down breathing by counting 4 seconds in, hold 4, out for 8 or more, it really does work for me