Q: My blood pressure spikes a lot, i.e. I have 155/94 at 5 AM in the morning, go out for a 3 miles run and my blood pressure goes down to 133/83. I am not on any medication and don’t want to take any medications. I don’t eat any meat but do eat fish. I eat very healthy, barely anything with white flour, try to cut sugar, exercise 5 times per week, 3x running (training for a 1/2 marathon) 2x gym but my blood pressure still jumps. Any idea what can cause the spikes especially the diastolic number sometimes is much higher? Thanks.
A: Although you have a healthy lifestyle, sometimes that is not enough. Your blood pressure is not in good control. Morning spikes of 155/94 are worrisome. I suspect your age and genetics are catching up with you. Since you don’t want to take any drugs to lower your blood pressure, you might want to consider using the RESPeRATE. It has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure without side effects. Personally, I believe regular use of the RESPeRATE and a healthy lifestyle has kept my blood pressure in the normal range as I have gotten older.
Admin,I think that is not the best answer. We need an alternative solution beside that Resperate. I have exactly the same Problem with him plus your thousand readers. You need to give a good advise. Thumbs downs for your answer.
I totally agree. Unfortunately, I have used the resperate without the success that Dr.Rowena claims. I continue to read the column but feel that very little specific new information is given.I find that other comments sometimes are more helpful than that give by Dr.ROwena –use the resperate–seems to be the solution for BP problems. IF ONLY THAT WERE SO!
This profile does not need drugs and the Resparate or doing Tai Chi would be far better than drugs. Dr Rowena’s advice was good I think
That said, the drug that might do the best good for him to take is to take a minimum dose of a calcium channel blocker at bed time if he tries it and is not allergic to it. That class of drug has the best success at preventing this morning blood pressure spike I’ve read.
And, the side effects during the rest of the day might be not too bad since when he doesn’t need it and is awake, there will be far less in his system.
But whether he takes the drugs or not, that early morning surge sometimes triggers heart attacks so he should continue his current superior life style and take niacin instead of statins which would threaten his ability to exercise. Niacin plus exercise are more protective as well. And, he should be very careful to avoid tobacco smoke and learn as many ways to protect his heart as he can and do them.
Mine spikes in the early A.M. also, so I take inderal 3 times a day to keep it fairly even. I decided to do this when i read about early morning spikes warning of possibility of strokes, which I am fear more than anything.
This is not an entirely correct answer. First, I would not rely on RESPERATE. I tested this device for one month, logging BP readings everyday and then averaging at the end of the month. It had no effect on lowering my BP. Secondly according to my doctor, a 155/94 is not that big of a spike, in fact everyone’s BP can fluctuate and according to my doctor, normotensive patients (non-hypertensive) can get increases like this during the day. The real test is to measure for 30 days and take the averages. This accounts for the spikes. If your BP was always 155/94 then that’s an issue but the key is does it come back down. BP and heart rate will elevate during exercise, this is normal. Wait 30 minutes after exercise to take your BP, if it comes down into a normal range, then that is fine. I think massive spikes are caused by endothelial dysfunction. Over time, the endothelium, the lining of the arteries weakens, which limits nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is the strongest vasodilator in the body. Plant based nutrition will greatly help with nitric oxide production. Avoiding foods which damage the endothelium is very important. These foods are animal protein (fish, fowl, or meat), dairy and oils of any kind. Also avoiding caffeine and being very careful with sugar. An apple or orange is ok since the sugar binds to the fiber. The most important thing to consider is that drugs do not get to the root cause of the problem, superior nutrition does a much better job at this.
I had problems with spikes last year also, and quite frankly the medication prescribed did not help that much. Not only that, but it dropped my BP too low, sometime down to 88/43
It’s important to keep in mind that 99% of heart attacks are due to ischemia due to plaque and cholesterol in the arteries. Similarly most strokes (92%) are of the ischemic variety and have the same origin as heart attacks. HBP can cause hemorrhagic strokes which account for only 8% of all strokes. Most people that have strokes also have high cholesterol. They are completely preventable with proper diet.
I would suggest Medhelp.com for real answers by doctors and some very sharp medically savvy members.